Mei Hui Hsu,Taiwan
YWAM Taichung Base Leader
Her Story
MeiHui did her DTS in 1995 at Kona King’s Mansion. She has staffed and led different schools in YWAM. She was also part of Kona’s leadership team. Through her time with YWAM, she grew so much in God. Father has taken her on a journey she never expected, both in nations and in understanding God’s calling for her.
After being captured in China, God healed her depression through art. In that, she discovered her passion for art and writing. She has published books about art and healing as well as other topics.
Through the 20 years in mission, God took Meihui to 20 nations where she experienced God’s heart for nations. In recent years, she combines art and inner healing as God opens a door for her to minister to many people. Her desires are to see people set free and walk in their own destiny in God.
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